We are simply amazed at the story of a baby being born twice. LynLee Boemer was removed from her mother’s womb at 23 weeks gestation so that doctors could perform a life-saving surgery on her. She was then returned to her mother’s womb and carried to term, at which time she emerged from the womb […]

It seems biological science is forever evolving, not because it changes, but simply because we discover more truths surrounding the wonderful way in which we are made. Until now, researchers thought that the first time our heart muscle contracted to beat was around 21 days. There is now proof that our heats begin to beat […]

The following story was posted by LiveAction, August 24, 2015. These beautiful pictures are changing the abortion debate and showing the world the humanity of the preborn. Mom posts amazing photos of her babies, miscarried at 7 and 8 weeks, on Facebook Mindy Raelynne Danison has suffered through two tragic miscarriages – one with the baby at seven weeks, and […]

One would think that in the year 2016, it would be common knowledge that pre-born children can actually feel pain but alas, ideologies get in the way of scientific fact. Evidence of fetal pain has been studied almost as long as abortion has been permitted. (see documents below). Now researchers offer more proof that babies feel […]

An article written in The Telegraph reveals that at the precise time a sperm enters an ova, a surge of calcium triggers the release of zinc which results in a flash of light. Scientists are saying this marks the moment of conception. While some researchers are using the research to advance IVF transfer, a problematic technology used to […]