It seems biological science is forever evolving, not because it changes, but simply because we discover more truths surrounding the wonderful way in which we are made. Until now, researchers thought that the first time our heart muscle contracted to beat was around 21 days. There is now proof that our heats begin to beat […]

One would think that in the year 2016, it would be common knowledge that pre-born children can actually feel pain but alas, ideologies get in the way of scientific fact. Evidence of fetal pain has been studied almost as long as abortion has been permitted. (see documents below). Now researchers offer more proof that babies feel […]

An article written in The Telegraph reveals that at the precise time a sperm enters an ova, a surge of calcium triggers the release of zinc which results in a flash of light. Scientists are saying this marks the moment of conception. While some researchers are using the research to advance IVF transfer, a problematic technology used to […]

By: Declan Ganley Re-printed with permission from the Irish Independent “We’re stepped out upon the world’s stage now – the fate of human dignity is in our hands.” With the words above, Steven Spielberg’s Abraham Lincoln faces his cabinet down and reminds them of the challenge facing his bleeding nation. He insists that they take a […]

Special to National Post, Feb. 12, 2013 There is something particularly insidious about the “new” argument being presented by the defenders of Canada’s abortion status quo. In response to the revelation that babies in Canada are sometimes born alive after failed abortion attempts and left to die, abortion activists are now claiming that late-term abortion […]

Motion 312 – The Second Hour of Debate September 19th, 2012 OTTAWA, Ontario ― MP Stephen Woodworth, Member of Parliament for Kitchener Centre this week made clear his hopes for Motion 312. Motion 312 proposes a 21st century look at Canada’s current 400 year old definition of human being. In preparation for the 2nd hour […]

The following story is from In the few days leading up to the second day of debate on Stephen Woodworth’s historic motion to debate the personhood of the unborn child in Parliament this Friday, the Conservative Member of Parliament says he will continue to fight for the principles underpinning his pro-life motion “as long as […]

The following article was printed in the Interim on July 24, 1983 – Sir William Liley, a career devoted to life Professor Sir William Liley , who gained international recognition for his pioneering work into pre-natal blood transfusions, died suddenly at his Epsom home June 15 ,1983. he was 54. Sir William, who was knighted in […]

Dr. Jerome Lejeune is known as “The Father of Modern Genetics”. Originally from Paris France, Dr. Lejeune presented expert testimony in Canada at the Joe P. Borowski “Trail for Life” on the humanity of the unborn child in 1983. Dr. Lejeune discovered the genetic cause of Down’s Syndrome. Quotes from Dr. Lejeune: From the moment […]